Posts in Anti-theft
How Do Burglars Pick And Choose Home Before Robbery?

Burglars don’t rob randomly. Although it sounds weird, burglars do meticulously choose homes from a number of targets before robbing them. These homes are like shopping malls to them, and they choose the one which will be the easiest to break into while having enough valuables for them to steal so that they call the break-in a successful theft.

Here are some things which make burglars stop in their tracks and mark a particular home to break into…

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4 Warning Signs That Your House is Being Watched

Burglars mark homes and try to know more about the lifestyle of the owners and the neighbors so that they can break-in without being noticed. They keep a watch over when the residents are not at home, whether they have alarm systems in place, whether they have a dog and so on

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Things You Should Keep in Mind When Renting Out Your Property

Okay, you have decided to rent out your home and have figured out all the particulars surrounding rental property management. But what are the things you need to keep in mind regarding the home’s security when other people are living in it? What are your rights and where do they end when you rent out your house? Let’s have a look.

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Moving to a New Home? Call a Locksmith ASAP!

Moving into a new home? Congratulations! You might have a lot on your mind since moving into your new place. Were there people living there before you? Are the exits and entrances secure enough to keep intruders away? You should keep these questions in mind when thinking about securing your home.

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